UJ, Transnet partnership sees further investment in student education

The newly established UJ College of Business and Economics (CBE) has recently extended the Railway Operations Management Programme to include Honours and Master’s qualifications. The CBE’s Johannesburg Business School via the Department of Transport and Supply Chain Management has established a partnership with Transnet Freight Rail (TFR) that has resulted in the establishment of freight rail-specific qualifications. This contract is valued at R42 million, proof that Transnet Freight Rail is investing in the further education of their employees.

Since 2012, UJ’s Department of Transport and Supply Chain Management, together with the Institute of Railway Operators (UK) and the Glasgow Caledonian University (Scotland), produced four cohorts of 832 graduates in Railway Operations Management. The partnership has made provision for a further 1 365 Transnet Freight Rail students, over the various qualifications to be included in the new agreement. Congratulations must be extended to the UJ team led by Prof Jackie Walters (Head: Department of Transport and Supply Chain Management), and Prof Gerrie Prinsloo, the Glasgow Caledonian University team led by Vice-Chancellor Prof Pamela Gillies CBE, and Transnet Freight Rail for forging this sterling collaboration.

“The University of Johannesburg is proud to be part of an international agreement between Transnet Freight Rail and Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) that will result in Transnet Freight Rail employees receiving international qualifications in South African railway operations management. The Department of Transport and Supply Chain Management is looking forward to working alongside such collaborative stakeholders during the duration of this agreement,’’ said Prof Jackie Walters

UJ’s Department of Transport and Supply Chain Management offers programmes that allow learners from diverse educational backgrounds to specialise in transport economics and logistics management. These range from the undergraduate degrees and postgraduate study opportunities where entry requirements are based on traditional selection criteria, to the certificate and diploma programmes where less formal prior educational qualifications are required.


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