Mr Linford Molaodi, a University of Johannesburg (UJ) Master of Education (MEd) in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) student, walked away with the best teacher award in the category of “Excellence in technology enhanced education” hosted by the Department of Basic Education (DBE). The Department of Basic Education honoured the contributions of the nation’s most dedicated teachers at the Sandton Convention Centre on 17 February 2019 during the 19th National Teaching Awards (NTAs).
Mr Molaodi completed both his BEd in Senior Phase and Further Education Training (SP&FET) and BEd Honours from the Faculty of Education. For the past three years Linford has been teaching in Ga Masemola, a rural area of South Africa confronting under-resourced environments with his shoe-sting methodologies. He formed a network of physical science teachers in a community of practice assisting the deepening of their content as well as pedagogical knowledge through experiential learning techniques. Mr Molaodi also assists principals from other schools with professional development strategies and provides advice to circuit managers on ICT integration in schools.
He is a founding member of TeaSterl Projects, an organisation encouraging educators’ use of ICT in teaching
Mr Molaodi also won top prize in the Science and Technology category at the South African Men of The Year Awards ceremony held on 29 November 2018 at Carnival City. South African Men of The Year Awards is a national campaign that seeks to affirm South African men to be positive male role models. The initiative is about nation building and transforming South African men to be active in nation building and to stand up against any form of women, children and older persons abuse.
Department of Basic Education Minister, Ms Angie Motshekga reaffirmed that “teachers are the heartbeat of the nation.” “A system is only as good as its people. Congratulations to the teachers who provide an inspiration to others in the profession.”
The NTA event is one of the ways in which the DBE can publicly acknowledge and encourage dedicated and caring teachers in their efforts to develop each learner into South Africa’s leaders of the future. These awards also provide the perfect opportunity to celebrate the heroes of the profession that gives birth to all other professions.
The 19th National Teaching Awards recognises outstanding teaching and leadership in the following categories and awards:
- Excellence in Primary School Teaching;
- Excellence in Secondary School Teaching;
- Excellence in Primary School Leadership;
- Excellence in Secondary School Leadership;
- Excellence in Grade R Teaching; • Excellence in Special Needs Teaching;
- Excellence in Technology Enhanced Teaching and Learning;
- Excellence in Teaching Mathematics;
- Excellence in Teaching Natural Science;
- The Nelson Mandela Lifetime Achievement Award; and
- The Professor Kader Asmal Award