“Internationalisation is very important to UJ. The University is keen to receive students for Study Abroad, to spend a semester and to learn about Johannesburg and South Africa. It is important to improve the flow of senior professors and other academics across institutions,” said the Vice-Chancellor and Principal of UJ, Prof Ihron Rensburg at a meeting with the delegation from Cracow University of Economics on Monday, 16 February 2015. |
As the University of Johannesburg (UJ) celebrates its ten year anniversary, it also celebrates a five year anniversary with the Polish, Cracow University of Economics. On his second visit to the University, the Rector of Cracow Professor Andrzej Chocol presented Professor Ihron Rensburg with a plaque to commemorate the partnership between the two institutions. “Every university wants to have students from different parts of the world. I am grateful for the strong relationship that Cracow University of Economics has with the University of Johannesburg, specifically in the Faculty of Management,” said Prof Chocol. The existing agreement is predominantly with the Faculty of Management, which were also presented with plaques. The Rector invited UJ students to look at possibilities to visit the institution for acquiring and exchanging knowledge. “Cracow is starting an English PhD programme for students to spend short periods, about 4 to 5 days doing intensive research. The students could visit twice a semester for that period,” said Prof Chocol. The Rector went on to invite Prof Rensburg to take part in their 90th Anniversary celebrations in May 2015. Cracow University is a specialist Economics university at the Centre for special services for businesses. |