Prof Fulufhelo Godfrey Netswera appointed as new Senior Director: Post Graduate Studies at UJ

The University of Johannesburg (UJ) is pleased to announce the appointment of Prof Fulufhelo Godfrey Netswera as the new Senior Director: Post Graduate Studies, with effect from 1st December 2015.

Prof Netswera is currently the Director of the Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership (TGSL), which is the hybrid a business school and school of postgraduate studies of the University of Limpopo in Polokwane.

A Professor of Sociology, Prof Netswera holds a Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in Sociology of Development; a Master’s of Philosophy (MPhil) in Social Science Methods and Economics Honours degrees.

Prof Netswera held various leadership roles in the past including Executive of the Southern Africa Research and Innovation Management Association; Directorship of Research and Management at the University of South Africa; adjudicator on the National Science and Technology Forum and Women In Science Awards; Manager of Research Development Grants at the National Research Foundation and Board membership of the Human Sciences Research Council.

He has in his directorship role of the Turfloop Graduate School of Leadership and established regional research collaborations with Uganda Technology and Management University (UTAMU) for both staff and student exchanges; participated in the coordination team for the European Union Erasmus Mundus Programme (EU-SAID) for master’s and doctoral scholarships and staff exchanges. He further more led the development for re-accreditation of the MBA by CHE in 2014 and continue to serve on and as a chair of various university committees that include School Board, Faculty Higher Degrees Committees; Faculty Board and University Senate.

Prof Netswera is an editor of the Department of Higher Education accredited peer review journal; has published extensively, graduated many postgraduate students and presented at many national and international conferences.

We wish Prof Netswera well in his new appointment and trust that he will enjoy a fulfilling career as he takes up his position at UJ.

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