11 July 2016
We co-hosted (with CCRED and GTAC) Dr Antonio Andreoni for a public seminar on the topic “Manufacturing the Innovation Economy: Industrial Ecosystem and Policy in the Emilia Romagna Region”, on 11 July 2016. The seminar drew on extensive field work in one of the world-leading manufacturing regions – Emilia Romagna, Italy – to disentangle the complex architecture of modern industrial ecosystems and the various types of learning, innovation and diversification processes determining value creation and capture dynamics. Dr Andreoni is affiliated with the Department of Economics at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. He is also Research Fellow at the Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge and Member of the Initiative for Policy Dialogue JICA/IPD Task Forces on ‘Industrial Policy’ and ‘Quality of Growth in Africa’ at Columbia University, and Advisor to a number of government and organisations including UNIDO, ILO, UNCTAD, UNDP, UN DESA, OECD, BMZ-GIZ, DFID and UK Government Office for Science, Tanzania MITI and EAC. The seminar elicited much interest from researchers and policymakers.