International Institute of Social Studies – ISS Walk in Session

​​​​ISS Walk in session with our alumni and professor Bram Buscher who will visit Johannesburg in April. ​​​​

Professor Buscher would like to meet with you on 11 April 2014 at the University of Johannesburg (more information can be found in the attachment).

Walk in ISS info session

From (16:30) for 17:00 to18:30 hrs there will be an informal information session and a presentation for prospective students or anyone else interested in ISS. Make sure to bring your colleagues, students or friends who may be interested in a study at ISS and share this information where appropriate. Professor Buscher and our local ambassador – Zandile Ngada would be very happy to meet with you and give you more information on the study programmes at ISS.

If you would like to attend the Walk in Session, please register here:

Kind regards from The Hague!

ISS Recruitment Team​​



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