Be successful; but moreover be significant

​​​​There are two lasting things we can give to the next generation. The one is roots to ground them and the other wings to empower them with the gift to achieve their purpose in life. These were the words of Dr Zodwa Magwenzi, head of UJ Alumni Network in her opening address of the second Alumni Network Mentorship programme in collaboration with the ICan Foundation.
Introducing Dr Dennis (Dee) Nyamieh from Colorado Springs from the USA, representing the ICan Foundation, in the STH Auditorium on Bunting Road Campus on 15 October 2013 she said mentoring leaves a legacy to the next generation. “It is a priceless gift that no money can buy. And that is why the Alumni Network had embarked on this road.” And that is why the sacrifices of the UJ faculties and divisions, as well as alumni from around Johannesburg, were so appreciated at this busiest time of the year. “Thank you for connecting with your alma mater today; for living our motto of Stay connected to get ahead.”​​
A dynamic speaker, Dr Nyamieh, made it clear that being successful should not be the ultimate goal in life; one should strive to be significant. “And how do we become significant? By realising that you do not live on an island. Everybody here is part of a community. And what you do to impact on the lives of that community, is what will make you significant. But it takes work; to have an impact on others don’t just happen. What you have done in your lifetime, will become your legacy to those you leave behind one day. How will they remember you?​


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