Using innovation and technology to safely manage and process high number of late applications
Mr Tinus van Zyl is honoured with the Vice-Chancellor’s Distinguished Award for Outstanding Service beyond the Normal Call of Duty for his leadership and innovation in the development of an electronic system for prospective students that is easy to use and significantly enhances late application efficiencies.
After the tragic death of Ms Gloria Sekwena on 9 January 2012 as a result of a stampede during the process for walk-in late applicants at the Bunting Road Campus, it became clear that the University could not again allow a situation to develop where thousands of late applicants gathered to apply for a place in one of the programmes of the University. This led to the need to develop a means whereby late applicants could apply through electronic channels for admission to the University, without having to be physically present at the University.
Mr Tinus van Zyl, in his capacity as Senior Manager for Faculty Coordination in the Central Academic Administration, took up this challenge. It was through his innovation and technological acumen that the Mobi Enquiry System was developed in 2012 and successfully implemented for the management of late applications in January 2013. The Mobi Enquiry System has proven to be a big success and has placed the University of Johannesburg at the forefront of electronic innovation in the Higher Education sector.