UJ and DAC partner to focus on vital role of translators, interpreters

The Department of Linguistics at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) joined hands with the national Department of Arts and Culture (DAC) to promote studies in South Africa’s indigenous languages in an effort to meet the requirements of the national language policy as well as the Use of Official Languages Act.
UJ received funding for students enrolling for the BA language practitioner programme, specialising in at least one of South Africa’s indigenous languages. The grant has been made available for a three-year period from 2012 until 2014. This will significantly reduce costs for eligible students, as the bursary covers tuition fees as well as learning materials.
“There is a vast demand for language practitioners in the indigenous languages in South Africa. Training professionals such as translators, interpreters, lexicographers, terminographers, language planners, and text editors in these languages will promote the development of the indigenous languages while at the same time building capacity in translation and interpreting in order to meet the demands of government’s national language policy,” says Prof Anne-Marie Beukes, Head of the Department of Linguistics, UJ.
Prof Beukes concludes: “The translation and interpreting industry is a fast growing sector. In 2010 the US Bureau of Labor Statistics classified translation as one of the 10 fastest growing occupations, with employment of interpreters and translators projected to increase with 22% between 2008 and 2018, much faster than the average for all occupations. This grant will go a long way to develop the indigenous languages and to enhance graduates’ visibility in language practice.”
Prospective students can apply for the relevant programme, the BA Language Practice degree, until 26 October 2012 by visiting www.uj.ac.za or by contacting Ms T Strauss at 011 559 2694 / trudis@uj.ac.za. ​


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