Three professors of the University of Johannesburg (UJ), representing diverse areas of expertise that include research, academia and legal aspects, were appointed by the Higher Education South Africa (HESA) as new members to its advisory committees.
Professor Adam Habib , Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research; Professor Angina Parekh, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Academic and Professor Patrick O’Brien, Executive Dean: Faculty of Law have been respectively appointed to the Research and Innovation Strategy Group, Teaching and Learning Working Group and legal advisory committee of HESA.
HESA, representing 23 universities, was formed in May 2005, as successor to the two statutory representative organisations for universities and technikons (now universities of technology), the South African Universities Vice-Chancellors Association (SAUVCA) and the Committee of Technikon Principals (CTP).
Members of the committees’ are responsible to advise HESA on pertinent issues of relevance to Higher Education.
“These respective appointments are not only outstanding for them personally, but reflects extremely positively on the University of Johannesburg,” says Prof Ihron Rensburg, Vice-Chancellor, UJ.