Cora Burnett, a Research Professor in the Department of Sport and Movement Studies within the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Johannesburg (UJ), will deliver an address at the 12th Fédération Internationale D’éducation Physique (FIEP) European Congress.
She will also represent the International Sociology of Sport as Vice-President. The Congress includes the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE), keynotes and 8 invited symposia. The congress topic will be Changes in Childhood and Adolescence Current Challenges for Physical Education. She is one of four international academics who have been invited to assist in the strategic review of ICCSPE of reflecting on current physical education-related knowledge-production and practices.
“It is indeed an honour to be invited by ICSSPE to take part in strategic discussions and to attend the FIEP as a South African representative,” says Prof Burnett.
Delegates from around the world will gather for a five-day long (12 to 16 September 2017) congress at the Maison du Savoir on the Belval Campus of the University of Luxembourg. The delegates, who includes academics, sporting communities and associations, will explore the impact physical education has on children and youth.
“This gathering will provide an opportunity to define positions,” says Prof Burnett, whose talk will focus on the discussions at the global level concerning sport-related matters.
Prof Cora Burnett is a National Research Foundation-rated researcher and holds two doctorates, one in Physical Education and one in Anthropology. She is also the Director of the University of Johannesburg’s Olympic Study Centre and is currently completing an MA in Olympic Studies through the German Sport University in Cologne.