University of Johannesburg at the University Scholars Leadership Symposium (USLS)

The University of Johannesburg, College of Business and Economics was productively represented at the 9th University Leadership Symposium hosted by the United Nations in Bangkok, Thailand in early August 2018. Prof Christelle Auriacombe, Director: School of Public Management, Governance and Public Policy in the College of Business and Economics (CBE) accompanied our students. The theme of the Symposium was “INSPIRING CONFIDENCE, INSPIRE CHANGE” purposed to instill a sense of social responsibility as well as cultivate the attributes of selfless giving among our emerging world leaders. Some 1 200 students up to 30 years of age, from 87 countries attended and among other activities to bring about social change, cleaned rivers, painted schools, took refugee children to the zoo and assisted disabled children in drawing.

The USLS focused on the following Sustainable Development Goals:

The Usls Focused On The Following Sustainable Development Goals

The idea of inviting and selecting students from around the world to experience and learn leadership skills in a creative methodology is outstanding. Such a platform provide an avenue for delegates to share about the problems in our own backyards and learnt the best practices from others who have experienced similar issues in their countries. I can say this learning journey gave me hope, hope to see diversity being embraced as a way of life throughout communities in the world. I have hope for my country, I have hope for Africa, I have hope for our future generations’ (Ropa MashiriUniversity of Johannesburg).

The poem “Our Deepest Fear” by Marianne Williamson was fittingly quoted at the closing ceremony. Click here

To watch the video of the 9th USLS closing ceremony click here.

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