In recent weeks, we have extensively communicated our plans regarding shifting from the familiar contact, face-to-face teaching and learning to an online form of delivery of the academic programme. We have also accordingly reviewed the 2020 Academic Calendar to assist our students in completing their studies.
As communicated to students through our various platforms, including emails, Blackboard and the UJ website, the second term of the first semester will start on Monday, 20 April 2020, through online platforms. We are making a plea to all of you to embrace this form of remote teaching and learning, so that we may minimise the time lost in the academic year. For more information regarding learning, teaching, research, and working remotely, visit
Data and Devices
We are aware of the anxiety and uncertainty caused by this mode of learning and working remotely. We are attending to the challenges regarding data and internet access, as well as access to appropriate computing devices. This year we have distributed 1750 laptops to first-year NSFAS students, and we have a further 4000 to distribute. We realise that some of you operate in environmental conditions that are not conducive to learning. Our success is dependent on how we respond to this as a community. We are committed to addressing as far as it is reasonably possible the matters that you have raised, and others as they emerge.
We continue to work closely with telecommunications providers to provide data solutions to assist our students so that they may access University information at no cost during this period. Please check for updates here