Young insights needed

​​​South Africa needs insight and foresight and that comes from the youth, Minister in the Presidency Trevor Manuel says.

Published in : Times Live, 2011-08-25​


“In 2030 I will be too, too old to be doing what I’m doing but you won’t,” Manuel told students at the launch of the National Planning Commission (NPC) Jam at the University of Johannesburg.


“We need to hand over the baton to you.”

The NPC was launching a live 72-hour online discussion about the vision for South Africa in 2030. The Jam will take place from September 28 until October 1.

The NPC wanted the youth to talk about the problems facing South Africa and to give suggestions on how to combat them.

“Talk to us about our observations and tell us how to change these things.”

Life was changing, said Manuel. “A picture of life is a picture of the present. Pause and think what you were doing 20 years ago. The world existed without Facebook and Twitter. Life has changed.”

Manuel, the National Youth Development Agency, the university, talk show hosts and radio personalities were encouraging young South Africans to participate in the NPC Jam.

Registration opened on Thursday afternoon.

The National Planning Commission to launch the “NPC Jam” at UJ

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