Vice-Chancellor Message – 04 October 2024

Dear UJ community,

Over the years, our University has demonstrated that it is a truly African University that is responsive to the needs of communities from which it draws its identity and inspiration. As the reservoir of knowledge, UJ has enabled many of its surrounding communities and others in places further away to benefit from its research and innovation initiatives. Through this, we continue to make a positive and lasting impact on our communities and broader society, living our vision of sustainability and societal impact.

Launch of UJ Societal Impact projects in Limpopo

Today marks one of the significant milestones in our University, as we officially launched the UJ Societal Impact projects in various villages in the Vhembe district of Limpopo. The projects in the remote villages of Gwakwani, Matatani, and Mbodi deliver sustainable solutions to energy, water, connectivity, and education. The projects integrate fourth industrial revolution (4IR) technologies and include solar-powered boreholes, a hybrid (electricity and solar) bakery, a repurposed shipping container serving as a creche, and a solar-powered tele-medicine clinic. Another important project is a learning centre at Hanyani Secondary School, equipped with internet connectivity, computers, books and learning materials. Developed in partnership with the private sector, these projects align with several United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To read more about this, visit our University website, You may also follow our official social media pages for more information and pictures.

UJ Press celebrates its third anniversary

I wish to congratulate UJ Press, which is celebrating its third anniversary this month. In its three years of existence, UJ Press has published 161 titles on its site; importantly, 118 of these are Open Access. UJ Press has also grown the number of journals to 24 open-access journals on the UJ Press Journals site, with 16 being Diamond Open Access. Thirteen of these journals are accredited by DHET/DOAJ (Department of Higher Education and Training and Directory of Open Access Journals Training). UJ Press offers its titles in various formats, including paperback, EPUB, PDF, XML, and audio formats. UJ Press has also partnered with the SA Library for the Blind, Blind SA and Tape Aids for the Blind to make titles available to visually impaired readers. UJ Press is a member of the Publishers Association of South Africa, the ASSAF National Scholarly Book Publishers Forum and the Association of University Presses.

Staff Day

I thank everyone who contributed to the success of our Staff Day this past Friday. Held under the theme, Honouring 30 Years of Democracy in South Africa, the event was a true reminder of the multicultural nature of our University and was a true testament that united in diversity, we can truly be the beautiful nation that we are renowned for. I was inspired by how you embraced the theme, from the faculties and divisions’ attire, costumes, vibrant exhibitions and captivating performances. This day highlighted the beauty and unity of our Pan-African identity. l congratulate our Transformation Unit and everyone who played a role in making the day such a success. Well done!

UJ Future Walk

Similarly, I express my gratitude to everyone who participated in the 2024 edition of the UJ Future Walk, our fifth fundraising walkathon, on Saturday. This year’s walk attracted 500 participants, raising more than R400,000 towards our Student Funding initiatives, adding to the R2 million raised since its inception in 2015. These contributions make a tangible difference in the lives of underprivileged and academically deserving students, allowing them to pursue their studies and unlock their full potential. I thank Lucky Star Heartbeat Sessions, who supported the event as part of the event’s objectives to foster a healthy agenda through mutually beneficial partnerships. Congratulations to the UJ Sport division for organising such a successful event. Well done!

Clothing donations for students in need

Another heartwarming gesture is that this week, our University’s clothing donation drive received a generous contribution from ENS Africa aimed at supporting students in need. While it may seem like just clothing, this represents pride and dignity for our students. Our Centre for Psychological Services and Career Development (PsyCaD)  will ensure these donations are distributed to those in need, helping to empower them to thrive academically and professionally.

Celebrating staff achievements

I am delighted to share some of our staff’s outstanding achievements. Four of our researchers, Professors Hassina Mouri, Tankiso Moloi, Kevin Durrheim, and Jan Nordström have been elected to the respected Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf). This recognition highlights their leadership in fields ranging from medical geology and accountancy to psychology and computational mathematics, highlighting UJ’s excellence and global impact.  Read more here.

More good news is that Stanford-Elsevier has ranked seven of our Chemical Sciences researchers in the top 2% globally. Congratulations to Professors Oluwafemi, Meijboom, Nomngongo, Arotiba, Pillay, Bickelhaupt, and Suprakas Sinha Ray for this noteworthy achievement. Their international recognition further solidifies UJ’s status as a leader in research excellence.

Ke a leboha, ngiyabonga, thank you, baie dankie!

Professor Letlhokwa Mpedi: Vice-Chancellor and Principal

Times mentioned in this newsletter refer to the South African time zone.

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