UJ’s Science and Engineering students dominate the 7th UJ Interfaculty Postgraduate Symposium

​The 7th UJ Interfaculty Postgraduate Symposium was held at the University of Johannesburg’s (UJ) School of Tourism and Hospitality on 27 October, 2017.

Postgraduate students from across the academic disciplines shared their research findings in the form of either oral or poster presentations. Additionally, the Symposium is also a forum for postgraduate students to meet and exchange ideas. This year, there were 53 participants at the event, of which 42 oral presentations and 11 posters were presented.

Prof Shireen Motala, Senior Director of the Postgraduate School, UJ opened the Symposium and introduced the two guest speakers, Prof Adekeye Adebajo, Director of the Institute of Pan-African Thought and Conversation, UJ and Ms Thashni Pillay, Director Grants Management and Systems Administration at the National Research Foundation (NRF).

The winners in the oral presentation category were: Elie Ngomseu Mambou from the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment who received the first prize, Dione Maluwa from the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, who received second prize, and Eugene Mosikatsi and Redrisse Fobasso Djoumessi, both from the Faculty of Science, who shared the third Prize.

Vivian Oluchi Nkwachukwu from the Faculty of Science won the first prize for her poster, and Unathi Mgwetyana from the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment was awarded the second prize for hers.

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