Hassina Mouri, a Professor in Geology at the University of Johannesburg (UJ), will deliver a public lecture with the theme: Medical Geology: An interdisciplinary emerging field of science, in the University’s Auditorium, Auckland Park Kingsway Campus on Tuesday, 17 September 2013 at 13:00.
Medical Geology is as an emerging field of science dealing with the relationships between geological factors and health in humans and animals. This field of science is aimed at improving in the disciplinary interactions between experts in various fields of science and brings together Earth scientists and medical/public health researchers to address health problems caused or exacerbated by geologic materials – such as rocks, minerals and water, and processes – such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and atmospheric dust.
Professor Mouri specialises in metamorphic geology, in which she has numerous publications. More recently, she has developed a great interest in medical geology and is founder of the South African Medical Geology Division of the International Medical Geology Association (IMDA). She is currently supervising three postgraduate students in this field.
In August 2013, she was elected Councilor for the International Medical Geology Association (IMDA).The IMDA aims to provide a network and a forum to bring together the combined expertise of geologists and earth scientists, environmental scientists, toxicologists, epidemiologists, and medical specialists, in order to characterise the properties of geological processes and agents, the dispersal of geological materials and their effects on human population.