The University of Johannesburg (UJ) has announced the appointment of the following senior executives as of 2 April 2013.
Prof Tinyiko Maluleke is appointed as Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Internationalisation, Advancement and Student Affairs. Prof Maluleke was previously Deputy Registrar at the University of South Africa (UNISA).

Prof Tshilidzi Marwala is appointed as Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research, Innovation, Post Graduate Studies and the Library. Previously Prof Marwala was Executive Dean in the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment.

Prof Kinta Burger will take up office as UJ’s Registrar on the retirement of Prof Marie Muller. Prof Burger was Executive Dean in the Faculty of Science.

Prof Bheki Mamba becomes the new Dean in the Faculty of Science. Prof Mamba is currently UJ’s department head of Applied Chemistry.

Dr Mala Singh is appointed Executive Director: Human Resources. Previously she was Executive Director of Human Resources at UNISA.