UJ congratulates the class of 2012

​​​​The University of Johannesburg (UJ) wishes to congratulate the Department of Basic Education and the class of 2012 with the Grade 12 results released today (03 January 2013).​

UJ processed close to 89 000 applications in 2012 for about 10 500 first-year undergraduate spaces for 2013 study. UJ is currently reviewing all applicants’ final Grade 12 results for the final selection outcome. The University has received the results in electronic format and applicants are not required to submit a paper copy of their National Senior Certificate for this final selection process.


All applicants will receive an SMS from UJ, confirming their final application status by Sunday, 6 January 2013 as well as the way forward.


No physical ‘walk-ins’ are allowed. Enquiries for space availability will only be accepted from 7 – 11 January 2013 via UJ’s Mobi site @ uj.mobi OR the Call Centre on 011 559 4555.


On-site online registration for senior students commences on 21 January 2013 followed by the first-year undergraduate registration that commences on 28 January 2013. Off-site online registration will be available for senior students from 14 January 2013 and from 21 January 2013 for first-year students.​​​

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