On Monday, 25 April 2016, the University of Johannesburg (UJ) celebrated residence students at the 2015 Academic Excellence Awards – with Gauta Residence, located at the Doornfontein Campus (DFC), crowned the overall outshining performers for 2015.
Dr Charlotte Scholtz is the UJ Netball team’s Manager, she is also a House-Wardens that coordinated the event. “For these Awards, the top three students in a degreed programme and the top three students in a diploma programme were honoured,” she clarified. “A decision was also made to acknowledge the academic prowess of the residence-leadership (house-committees) for the first time, this year,” concluded Dr Scholtz.
The Awards included all 35 residences at the four UJ campuses, with three categories for residence trophies: Best Performing Residence per Campus; Most Improved Residence; and Best Overall Performing Residence.
The residence success rate is calculated based on the number of modules that the students of a particular residence passed out of the total number of modules they were registered for in 2015; i.e. if a residence’s students were registered for 100 modules and they passed 80 of those modules, the success rate of the residence is 80%.
The winners of the 2015 Academic Excellence Awards in UJ residences were:
Best performing residence per campus
APK – Lebone
APB – Ndlovukazi
DFC – Gauta
SWC – Hector Pietersen
Most improved residence
DFC – Akananani
House Committee Top Achievers in a degree programme
2nd runner up: A Twala (Kilimanjaro)
1st runner up: MC Phahlalakala (Afslaan)
Top Achiever: JA Pretorius (Afslaan)
House Committee Top Achievers in a diploma programme
2nd runner up: S Nkabinde (YWCA)
1st runner up: K Mogotlane (Pishon of Soweto)
Top Achiever: R Ndlovu (Horison)
Best overall performing residences:
3rd place – Lebone (APK)
2nd place – Phumlani (DFC)
1st place – Gauta (DFC)
Top overall House Committee achievers
2nd runner up: K Mogolane (Pishon of Soweto)
1st runner up: JA Pretorius (Afslaan)
Top achiever: R Ndlovu (Horison)