UJ Accountancy student, 2016 Sun International CEO SleepOut™ champion

Sibongakonke Kheswa, first year University of Johannesburg (UJ) Accountancy student, will join the CEO of BDO South Africa, Mark Stewart, to spend the night of 28 July 2016 sleeping on the iconic Nelson Mandela Bridge in Johannesburg, as part of the second Sun International CEO SleepOut™.

“I am so thrilled to have been selected by BDO to be a BDO CEO SleepOut™ champion,” says Kheswa. “I know that we each have to do something if we want to make a difference. I hope that through my participation in this event, I will be able to change the life of at least one disadvantaged youth, as I believe that as one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.”

Kheswa and BDO will also be joined by third year BDO trainee Pat Mokgatle and Darron Solomon, Headboy of Parktown Boys’ High School. Together, they will raise awareness and funds for some of the social challenges faced by hundreds of thousands of South Africans daily.

Kheswa has been challenged to help raise funds. Those who would like to support him in his efforts can make a donation on www.ceosleepout.co.za/donate.cfm. All donations will receive a Section 18A tax certificate.

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