Two UJ alumni cycle from JHB to PE for cancer

​​​​​​​​​Two UJ alumni, Clinton de Klerk and Ulrich Roux recently travelled from Johannesburg in Gauteng to the Eastern Cape’s coastal city of Port Elizabeth on bicycles. The journey that took six days to complete, was for the CoolRunningsTri charity drive that will help raise a targeted R250 000 cash to help leukaemia patients and people affected by cancer.

The UJ pair has close family and friends that suffer from cancer – and as a result, they took up the challenge to help fight the disease.

On Saturday, 21 March 2015, de Klerk and Roux left Johannesburg at 08:30am on their tri-bikes to start a journey that, each day, saw the two courageous rugby players ride for a distance of between 100 and 200 kilometres. They finished the journey on Thursday, 26 March at 15h00.

De Klerk was St Johns’ and UJ’s first team rugby captain and Golden Lions rugby player. He stayed at Dromedaris, a UJ on-campus residence.

Ulrich Roux was Grey College and UJ’s Under 21 rugby players and also a Primarius of Dromedaris. He worked as a TV personality as a Legal Commentator in the Oscar Pistorius trial in 2014.

De Klerk and Roux took the challenge to raise funds for CoolRunningsTri charity drive, which has partnered with the Sunflower Foundation. CoolRunningsTri helps people affected by cancer directly or indirectly.

The two UJ alumni also completed a full Iron Man triathlon immediately after their arrival in PE.

If you would like to be part of the journey, contact or phone Philna Boonzaaier on 084 501 2713. Bank Account details for donations: Cool Runnings Charity Drive, FNB Money Market Account, Account number 62514204396, Branch code 258605, Ref: Name of donator/CoolRun


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