The Future of Micro-Digesters in South Africa

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The South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI) commissioned the University of Johannesburg’s Process, Energy and Environmental Technology Station (UJ PEETS) to take stock of the current status of micro-digesters and the wider state of the skill in South Africa and globally.

UJ PEETS, together with the DSI/NRF/Newton Fund Trilateral Research Chair in Transformative Innovation, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Sustainable Development (UJ-TRCTI), conducted research over the period of two years, with significant levels of stakeholder engagement that has culminated in the development of a Sector Development Plan (SDP).

The SDP outlines three major pathways that the micro-digester sector in South Africa can take to ensure growth and sustainability of the sector by 2030.

To read more on the future of micro-digesters in South Africa, click here.

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