Title: Resourcing the future. Some challenges and possible “solutions”: A TU Delft perspective
Speaker: Dr Mike Buxton (Section Head: Resource Engineering, TU Delft, The Netherlands)
About the Talk: Societal demand for mineral resources is increasing driven mainly by growth in Asia. The progressive accelerating trend towards a transition away from carbon and hydrocarbon sourced energy towards sustainable or renewable sources is increasingly minerals intensive. Exploration and mineable ore grades have struggled to keep pace with the increasing demand. Application of technology and innovation such as “real-time” sensor data for rock characterization is required for a sustained resource supply, and has great potential for resource extraction efficiency and expanding the quantity of available resources.
About the Author: Dr Mike Buxton is the Section Head of Resource Engineering at the Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands. He is a visiting professor to the Department of Mining Engineering at UJ.
Author: Ms. Ofentse Olunloyo