Prof Claude-Hélène Mayer elected a Fellow of the International Academy for Intercultural Research

​Prof Claude-Hélène Mayer from the College of Business and Economics (CBE), Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management) was recently elected a Fellow of the International Academy for Intercultural Research (IAIR).

IAIR is made up of scholars from multiple disciplines including Education, Anthropology, Management, Communication, Psychology, Sociology and Policy Science.

The Academy publishes the International Journal of Intercultural Relations (the leading journal in the field founded in 1977), convenes a biannual international conference, sponsors scholarly books and hosts several activities to boost interdisciplinary research.

Prof Mayer’s research areas are Industry 4.0, transcultural conflict management and mediation, creativity, transcultural identity development, salutogenesis and mental health at work, women in leadership in diverse workplaces, and transforming shame. She uses positive psychology (PP1.0 & PP2.0), systems psychodynamics, intersectionality and psychobiography approaches and aims at reflecting socio-cultural viewpoints in her research.

Prof Mayer has also contributed 14 ROUs in 2020, positioning her as the most productive CBE researcher in 2020.

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