”Leadership, Ethics and Change are central themes that provide us an opportunity to reflect on the life of late educationist and struggle stalwart, Eric Molobi. It is now 11-and-a-half years since his passing. Those11-years were a period of study, of discovery and connection to a larger cadre and it was distinctly a time of honing the leadership attributes that we came to admire in the manner Mr Molobi conducted himself.” This was the sentiment of the former South African Minister of Finance and Minister in the Presidency, Trevor Manuel on Thursday, 09 November 2017.
Speaking at the University of Johannesburg’s (UJ) 2nd annual Eric Molobi Memorial Lecture, Mr Manuel saluted Mr Molobi’s contributions to a build a better South Africa and spoke frankly and robustly on the qualities of accountable and ethical leadership for inclusive and caring societal transformation.
“Throughout his involvement with the people in their own liberation and future, Mr Molobi remained unshakeable. His belief in the African National Congress (ANC) as a vehicle to attain that end was resolute. He understood that the distribution of skills and resources had to go beyond seeking position in the upper echelons of the movement or being in government. His leadership was of choice, comfortable in the knowledge that he possessed the attributes to occupy office, but to fulfil a different role,” said Mr Manuel.
UJ’s Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Prof Ihron Rensburg delivered the opening remarks and a family tribute was delivered by Ms Naomi Lele Ratsheko.