Exploring unity in moving the African agenda 2063 forward

​​Times Higher Education Africa Universities Summit: Moving Agenda 2063 forward

“Agenda 2063 gives new meaning to sustainable development with an African face. It needs to be absorbed in our DNA,” said independent education expert Sushita Gokool-Ramdoo at the inaugural Pan African Times Higher Education Africa Universities Summit, co-founded and hosted by the University of Johannesburg (UJ) on Thursday 30 July 2015.

Gokool-Ramdoo was speaking on the ‘Moving the 2063 Initiative Forward’ panel chaired by CEO of AfricaTrust, Tendai Murisa (Zimbabwe) and joined by distinguished panelists: Prof Lindela Rowland Ndlovu, Vice-Chancellor at the National University of Science and Technology (Zimbabwe); and Prof John Kalenga, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Malawi.

Murisa went on to ask the critical question: “How do we create synergies between initiatives started by the African Union, the United Nations, organisations such as Trust Africa, as well as African universities?”

The panelists are some of the thought-leaders from 22 countries gathering at the University of Johannesburg to start the conversation of finding African solutions for African universities and an African renaissance.

It is expected that Africa will be home to close to 45% of the world’s population by 2063 and already Africa is home to the youngest global population and that is going to be the driving change for massive demographic shifts that lie in the decades ahead.

The #THEAUS will come to an end on Friday, 31 July 2015.

Click here for former South African president, His Excellency Thabo Mbeki’s key note address on the importance an African knowledge society at UJ


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