The Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics hosted a successful two-day workshop on “Logic and its Applications”. The aim of the workshop, which took place on the 29th and 30th January 2018, was to bring logicians on a single platform, and share research ideas and techniques.
Local and international participants were in attendace, representing Chapman University (USA), University of Denver (USA), University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), Sun Yat-Sen University (China), Stockholm University (Sweden), Delft University of Technology (Netherlands), University of the Witwatersrand, University of Pretoria and University of Johannesburg.
In addition to oral presentations on classical model theory, non-classical logics and their proof theory, their relational, algebraic and topological semantics, description logics and applications of logic, the workshop included presentations on universal algebra, topology and category theory and their connection to logic.
The workshop pwas an excellent opportunity for participants to present their work to an international audience, meet other researchers, and gain exposure to new research ideas and initiate joint research projects.