Computer Science and Software Engineering Academy presents in France

​Five peer reviewed papers were presented by UJ’s Computer Science and Software Engineering Academy at the 11th International Symposium on the Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering (TMCE) held in Aix-en-Provance, France.

The UJ delegation, headed by Academy Head, Professor Elizabeth Ehlers, consisted of one academic, three postgraduate students, and a recent Masters graduate where they engaged participants from government, academia and industry experts exchanging views, knowledge and cultural values.

Academy Deputy Head and artificial intelligence researcher, Dr Duncan Anthony Coulter scooped an award for “Best Junior Contributor” in recognition of his contributions over the previous five iterations of the TMCE conference. His research interests are deeply rooted in Biologically Inspired Artificial Intelligence and Multi-agent systems and he said he also enjoyed being able to engage with students at the beginning of their IT studies through lecturing first year computer science and also with those at more senior levels through postgraduate project supervision.

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