Bringing the virtual incubator to communities

The Social Virtual Incubator of the Centre for Social Entrepreneurship and Social Economy (CSESE) at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) will soon be available in 40 community centres throughout Gauteng, Mpumalanga and the Free State.​

This outreach is the result of a partnership between UJ’s CSESE within the Faculty of Management and Siyafunda Community Technology Centres (CTC). An agreement recently signed between the University, represented by the Executive Dean, Prof Daneel van Lill, the Director of the CSESE, Dr Susan Steinman, faculty staff and Mr Ahmed (Smiley) Ismael the Director of Siyafunda CTC and various important partners of Siyafunda such as the Ekurhuleni City Council, the Independent Development Corporation, the Limpopo Development Council to name a few.

Mr Ismael said that Siyafunda CTC is truly humbled by the partnership and look forward to serving the communities better through their association with the University. “Siyafunda is a shining example of public-private partnerships and in turn making UJ part of this huge network.” Prof van Lill also emphasised the importance of partnerships for the University and the communities and for the university to reach out to communities.

According to Dr Susan Steinman the Director of the CSESE “…taking the Social Economy Organisations (SEO) Virtual Incubator to the heart of disadvantaged communities is exactly what is needed to take education to people where they are.”

Users will be able to click onto a desktop icon to enter the Social Virtual incubator of the CSESE where they can register for a trial period and make use of the services offered in the incubator. “One of these offering is an area where Social Enterprise Organisations (SEOs) will be able to randomly engage with coaches who could provide guidance on strategic issues, personal development or even technical knowledge. This will be done through chat-rooms.”


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