A graceful journey – The academic journey of two young ladies who lost their mothers during the Covid- 19 pandemic.

By Chantelle Mufeba and Tshimangadzo Phathela

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There needs to be a real timeline of three to five years, where you understand you are on a path of change, and you have to hold the line – Diana Laufenberg.

Chantelle Mufeba and Tshimangadzo Phathela met in 2020 at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) during their BA (Hons) academic year, and have been inseparable since.

“We both lost our mothers during the Covid-19 pandemic, and that kept us closer because we had faced the same pain. A special thank you to our supervisors and the Department of Strategic Communication for the immeasurable support that they have shown us. There were moments  we felt like everything was falling apart however, we were constantly reminded that we can still complete our 2020 academic year.

On the 21st of July 2022, we had the opportunity to cross the stage and bring our families together to witness our great accomplishment through all the hardships that we have been through.

Studying at UJ exposed us to a wide range of opportunities that allowed us to acquire a wide skill set. We are currently working at the most remarkable organisations, MTN and Roche Diagnostics as Communications Graduate Trainees. It has been an incredible experience especially because we learn from each other as young professionals and that enables us to grow.

In the midst of finding ourselves, there is a clear narrative in everything that we do, and embracing change as it comes along. Education is the most beautiful treasure that one can ever have, and we truly encourage all the young people out there who are studying to really hold on.

After obtaining BA Hons in Strategic Communication in 2020, we are now enrolled for Masters in Corporate Communication. We are truly confident that we shall complete this qualification as well, despite all the hardships that we may possibly face.

We are truly grateful for the graceful journey that we have had, and we look forward to more success”.

[Edited by Seriane Morapeli & Elmon Motloutsi]

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