Notable expertise honoured throughout graduation ceremonies

​​​The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Thousands of students at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) who have embraced the fruits of their academic labour, will colour Kingsway in Auckland Park, Johannesburg with solemn gowns during the first series of graduation ceremonies of the University. The graduations are taking place in the Auditorium of the Auckland Park Kingsway Campus from 27 February to 22 March 2013.​

This 35-day event, which brings vibrant pageantry to the University and its surrounding areas, reflects the quality of the UJ’s students and its comprehensive educational programmes. Dedicated to the goal of seeing students graduate and become successful in their lives, the academia shares in the pride of each student’s achievement during this period – as it represents a huge honour both for them and the University.


More than 7 900 students will be rewarded for the successful completion of their studies. Of the graduates who will receive recognition for their academic achievements during the series of graduation ceremonies, 6 292 are undergraduates and 1 627 are at postgraduate level. Apart from the 27 doctoral degrees to be awarded, 1 296 honours degrees and 117 master’s degrees will also be conferred. The graduates involve students from the University’s four campuses – i.e. the Soweto Campus, the Doornfontein Campus, the Auckland Park Bunting Road Campus and the Auckland Park Kingsway Campus.


The Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences is conferring 2 164 qualifications followed by the Faculty of Management with 1 279. The Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment are awarding 1 192 and 1 028 qualifications respectively to the new graduates. In the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Health Sciences 702 and 589 students respectively are receiving qualifications this year. The Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture are conferring 358 and 341 students respectively with qualifications and the Faculty of Law will be awarding 266.


Three distinguished entities in their respective fields of expertise will be honoured with honorary doctoral degrees. UJ will confer an honorary doctoral degree to Jacobus Daniel van Wyk, one of the foremost South Africans recognised for his contribution to research in electrical and electronic engineering. In turn business leader, Errol Sizwe Nxasana, well-known for his contribution in the financial services industry, will also receive an honorary degree as well as Parbhoo Suresh Kana, who has made notable high-level contributions to issues of governance and accountability in the business world.​


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