UJ’s Biomedical Technology student wins Vice- Chancellor’s Medal

Elvin Chizenga is a role model for student Biomedical technologists and a rising star in the Department of Biomedical Technology, where he is currently employed as an Assistant Lecturer.

He received the University of Johannesburg (UJ) Chancellor’s Medal during his graduation in May 2019 for achieving a Cum Laude pass. Chizenga was recognised for the most meritorious master’s study for the 2018 academic year. The findings from his research are published in two high impact journals.

Elvin Chizenga

His tertiary education journey began in Malawi at the Malamulo College of Health Sciences. Chizenga graduated at the top of his class and obtained the “best student” award in 2012 when he completed the Diploma in Biomedical Sciences. After working in the field of laboratory diagnostics for three years, he chose to further his studies.

In 2016, Chizenga enrolled at UJ for an honours degree, also known as a B-Tech, which he passed with distinction. Lecturers that had the opportunity to teach Chizenga describe him as hardworking, dedicated and motivated.

He commenced his Master’s degree studies in 2017. In tandem with the research studies Chizenga took up the position of a laboratory assistant which required him to guide second- and third-year undergraduate students in the practical learning aspects of the subject of Hematology.

His Master’s degree, supervised by Professor Heidi Abrahamse at the Laser Research Center of UJ, in the field of Cancer Research and Photodynamic Therapy yielded two awards. The first was attained at an international conference in Cape Town, hosted by the African Laser Center in December 2017. He received the second award and published a conference proceeding at a national conference in Bloemfontein, hosted by the South African Institute for Physics, in July 2018.

Chizenga is currently registered for his PhD with the Laser Research Center in the Faculty of Health Sciences. He continues to inspire peers and colleagues to follow the path of excellence, which he carved over the past 10 years. The department of Biomedical Technology congratulated Chizenga for his meritorious achievements and wish him every success on his academic journey towards a bright future.


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